When The Best Time to Visit Bali Island?
I have vaccinated COVID 19 for 3 dose now. people in Indonesia called as a booster since the primary one are 2 dose earlier. The third dose of vaccine are mostly used for traveling. I know this kind weird but I wont talk much about that things since government deciding it as a term to travel. after all suffer in tourism this few years because of Covid 19. I think this is a very fresh wind. people can enjoy traveling with no covid 19 test such a rapid test or other things. no more quarantine when you visiting country, we hope this happen soon. and because of this, I really want to make a writing about Bali's island seasonal. this writing is for people who can get a right time to visit Bali island. so basically in Indonesia have two seasons, rainy season and dry season. this two conditions of weather are because Indonesia located near Equator line and it is tropically type of season. Bali is one of that part. but for your information if we talk Indonesia weather, It has several type...