
Batur, Where The Lake and Mountain in One Bowl

Holla amigos. I see a  bright star from a place where i write this story. I have been already move to bali island. An island of god where the people have various ethnic tradition. The last story that i write tell you when you when i work as an engineer i Tegal city. It is in middle java. So i jump from that island to this island when the project done. The project in tegal end in 24th December 2019. Then i have so much time to go to adventure. Short story, my office ask me to be an engineer in a project called tamblang Dam. Not a very big dam project but it is in bali island. Where people from another country always visit here every time every where. 4th Januari 2020 i start move here. The project already start about 3 months before i come here. So it is not so hard to adapt with everything around here. So here i am, about 15 km from singaraja city, it was on the north of the island. I dont wanna talk more about my project. Thats not the point i want to tell you. My dam project...

The Warmth is Sometimes Tucked into a Moist Rocky Gap Called The Hometown

An accident happen a few weeks ago. It is about my family there, my mom. For the detail i wont tell the story but this things push me to go home. Actually i cant mention it home anymore. Let me call it my parent's house. You can see from my late post, i have ever live in a small city in east java called Lumajang. Not a city that can you imagine perfectly when i detailed about it but almost 20 years of my life is spended there. Almost married there, almost got some job there, and almost ending my life there. Time flows like a river, so do destiny. Push me go away from that city and start a new white paper of life. Taking a morning train She is the one and the only one woman who never betray me. When i know an accident happened to her, i know it is time to me to go there. Push myself from being apathetic about that little city to be more  strong enough to visit that city. My work stop me for a while. There are some work that need me to be done. Stay a few week in tegal and...

Long Walk to See The Palace (Bogor Botanical Garden)

Good afternoon to everybody who read this story. 24 years old and i love travel so much. Make me realize how small i am. Release all the heavy things around me. Make me think and remember the reason why i leave my hometown a few years ago. You know, i have designed a structure to protecting river. This river large slope so it have a large discharge and water velocity. It is already destroy a channel on the left side of river by a local scouring. Thats a small part of my work out here. But you know? The people here? They dont deserve called as an engineer. They talk louder about money than number. Blinded by money. On that situation i need a time to go alone. A time to travel and enjoy my self. A few days ago, my office order me to go to bogor. Its a place near jakarta. When we speak about bogor, i know i can travel to a castle. Bogor castle. Short story, after i finished my office work, i start to travel to this amazing place. It is my first time travel to bogor. When you ...

Hello English, Lets be a Writter!

Hello. Good afternoon. Wkwkwk. Okay, its been a long time since my post. Almost a years i think since my last post. If i can make a story about my journey and my adventure before, it would be a great novel to read you know. Here i am in a train going to jakarta. Let me be a writter for a moment. I have a friend since my last travel to singapure, dean. He is an Information and Telecommunication Engineer in kanada. We met before in lombok island when he going to holiday in lombok. We together start to learn about surfing there. Then we meet again in singapure. Till now we still have a great conversation. Why i tell you about him? Okay he is the one who push me to start write in english. Many people wants to travel to Indonesia, many people wants to know about the culture, many more want to know about the people. As an indonesian people, we have a very good image there. People in another country as we call "bule" have a great respect to us and our nature. Many people ...

Ekspedisi Atap Jawa Tengah Mt. Slamet (Part 3 - Pulang dengan Slamet)

Malam itu udara tidak terlalu dingin seperti yang aku duga. Sempat gerimis atau mungkin hujan di luar tenda kami selama waktu tertentu. Aku melihat hanya gelap malam dari lubang bagian atas tendaku dan flaysheet plastik bening tembus pandang. Malam di gunung tak sesunyi dulu, kini banyak manusia – manusia yang membawa kotak musik. Entah apa maksu dnya tapi terkadang itu cukup mengganggu waktu tidurku. "Yuangga Rizky Illahi, ST." , summit pertama semenjak mendapat gelar sarjana Sejenak rasanya aku tidur. Badan ini sangat ringan dan yang menembus tenda bagian atas ku buan lagi selimut kegelapan. Tampak bulat, bercahaya. Ah gelap malam terpecah terang. Awan tak nampak menutupi rembulan. Ketika aku membuka handphone untuk melihat jam? Wow jam setengah 5 pagi dan pantas saja badan ini rasanya sangat ringan pagi itu. Aku pun segera membangunkan mas fachrul untuk bergerak menuju summit. “mumpung cuaca cerah mas”. Begitu kataku pagi itu dengan bersemangat. Mengingat kond...

Ekspedisi Atap Jawa Tengah Mt. Slamet (Part 2 - POS, Push Or Stop?)

BASECAMP – POS 1 PONDOK GEMBIRUNG Usai perut terisi, kami pun berangkat. Jalan awal merupakan jalan aspal yang tak panjang, kemudian berganti menjadi jalan makadam atau jalan batu. Kiri kanan masih berupa kebun penduduk. Ada pula tempat wisata semacam tempat berfoto kekinian begitu lah. Selanjutnya jalan mulai mengecil menjadi jalan setapak walaupun terdapat bekas ban motor yang menandakan masih ada motor yang melewati tempat tersebut. Dari sinilah jalan mulai benar – benar menanjak. Kami sempat berpapasan dengan pendaki lain saat kami berdua berada di sebuah warung kosong. Katanya 3 jam hingga pos 1? Hmmmm. Sedikit melenceng dari perkiraan, tapi yasudahlah kita jalani saja. Pendakian versi light pack ini memang sangat bermanfaat untuk perjalanan cepat, bagaimana tidak, ternyata kita hanya satu jam setengah untuk menuju pos 1. Kalau boleh menceritakan, pos 1 namanya adalah pondok Gembirung. Mungkin salah satu kumpulan warung yang akhirnya menjadi pondok termewah yang pernah say...