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Review “A Moment to Remember” Movie

            This is a very – very sad movie that I ever watch. This movie is a movie that can make us cry. A Moment to Remember is a Korean drama that produced by John H. Lee and Jung Woo-sung as Chul-Soo and Son Ye-jin as Su-jin.
            “A Moment to Remember” told about Alzheimer disease. This is a disease that makes someone forget to everything he or she knew ever. Until all of memories that ever remember disappeared.
            This story start when Su-Jin meet Chul-Soo in a minimarket, Su-Jin take the drink from Chul-soo because she think that Chul-Soo drink is her drink. One day after that mistake in the minimarket, they meet again in a building project of Su-Jin’s Father. Chul-Soo is one of worker that working in that project. They relationship is continue and one day, after through a hard way, they finally married.
            The next part of this story is Chul-Soo is start working as architect. But Su-Jin disease is starts to appear. When she is cook and boiling water, she forgot about it and left behind it. And then she starts to forget about the way to go home. She also forget when she want to bring her husband foot stock. Finally, Su-Jin decided to go to doctor and the doctor explaining everything about Alzheimer disease.
            The third part is the most sad part of this movie. Chul-soo is already know about her wife disease. This part is telling us about sacrifice and loyalty. Su-jin memories start to gone. She calls her husband’s name by her ex-boyfriend’s name. Chul-soo keeps his patience although he hurt by that and start to crying, but behind his sadness, he keep his smile and patience. Chul-soo never give up to keep her wife, Su-jin, to keep remember her memories. But that is useless. Su-jin keep forget her memories and keep forget everything she knows.
            Su-jin forgot everything now. But one day, Su-Jin remembered something when she see several photos of her and her husband. Then she crying and starts to write a letter for Chul-soo. “I meet you because I am a forgetful person, and now I leave you because I am a forgetful person”. She left her house to go to a rehabilitation institution. When chul-soo arrive at home, His wife already go and then he start to read the letter and start to cry when knowing his wife leaving. Su-jin left Chul-soo, because she afraid when she forgot about him, she will hurt Chul-soo’s heart.
            For a long time, chul-soo keep looking for her wife. And finally, he found her wife. But Su-jin never remember chul-soo again. Then chul-soo smiling. He take Su-Jin to a minimarket where they meet for the first time. Amazingly, Su-Jin remember everything. Then Chul-soo say that he love his wife so much. This is the first time he say that. He never saying that, but have a great sacrifice, patience, and loyalty.

True Love is when we care so much even it hurt us so much


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